Speech recognition


Our goal is to generally improve the speech recognition methodology with the help of the new algorithms developed in Aalto University.  Speech recognition offers challenging benchmarking tasks for efficient algorithms that can process and learn to represent large quantities of data.  In addition to improving the acoustic models of phonemes we aim at developing new learning statistical language models for difficult large vocabulary continuous speech recognition tasks.  The relevant pilot applications in our group range from unlimited vocabulary continuous dictation in different languages to audio indexing, adaptive speech synthesis, and speech-to-speech translation.

At the national Center of Excellence in Computational Inference Research the research group belongs to the flagship of Intelligent Information Access.  In language modeling, speech translation, video indexing and speech synthesis we work closely together with the Adaptive Natural Language Processing, Computational Cognitive Systems, Content-Based Image and Information Retrieval, and Speech Analysis research groups.

The research group is led by Professor Mikko Kurimo.

See demos etc using the Menu on the left.  You can also check the old webpages of the group at the ICS department (we moved from there 2013).

Page content by: | Last updated: 10.09.2014.