Launch your career in technology

In the Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics you can learn skills and knowledge in the fields of acoustics and sound, signal processing and metrology. We take strongly part in the bachelor program of the School of Electrical Engineering and arrange some own majors at master's and doctoral levels.

Master's studies

The Department has two own and one joint Master's level major. The majors are under Master's Programmes in Automation and Electrical Engineering and 
Computer, Communication and Information Sciences. These entities are fitting as minors, too, or you can take our courses to include them in other studies.

Majors, modules and courses are best found in study guides in Into. On this page you can see short descriptions and names of our majors in order to find them in these guides.

Bachelor studies

We are tightly involved in teaching of Bachelor studies in the fields of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Communications and Automation and Information Technology. Our courses also fit well to some other bachelor studies. You can find more information in Aalto University applications pages, School of Electrical Engineering's Into-pages for Bachelor and Master's students and course listing in Noppa.

Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing

The goal for the studies of acoustics and audio signal processing is to provide basic information on acoustical phenomena, perception of sound and audio signal processing techniques as well as capabilities for applying this information in various fields such as audio technology, speech processing, acoustical measurements etc.

Look EST or TLT study guide for Acoustics and Sound Processing (S3004). This also fits well as a minor.

Signal Processing

The basic signal processing studies' focus is on digital technology. In advanced studies the emphasis is on signal processing algorithms in digital communication applications, algorithm optimization and modern hardware implementation. The studies provide information on different types of signals and signal processing systems, signal processing theory and methods as well as their modern hardware implementation.

Look EST or TLT study guide for Signal Processing (S3013). This also fits well as a minor.


We have classes in Electronics and Measurement Techniques, Optical Technology and Optical Communications and Electrophysics. The basic courses of Electronics and Measurement Techniques cover sensing, data acquisition, measurement accuracy, reliability and potential error sources. More advanced courses cover issues like present measurement and data analysing programs, data busses, instrumentation in optical communications and virtual instrumentation.

Optical Technology and Optical Communications offers essential skills for mastering the modern optical technology: optical communication, fibre-optics, WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing), systems including characterisation of these components, semiconductor lasers and optical filters.

Look for EST major Electronics and Applications (S3007).

Doctoral studies

Do you have a Master's degree and want to continue to Doctor or Licensiate degrees?

You can study as a graduate student in all three main subjects. Studies are planned individually. Look further info at Into-pages of the Doctoral Programme of the School of Electrical Engineering.



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